Don't you just love when you do a big shop at the start of the week and you still have some beautiful fresh veggies left at the end? Well, we had some asparagus, zucchini, mushrooms and parsley. This is what I came up with. This vegetarian spaghetti dish was a winner and it took 15 minuets to make!
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MEET KERRYN - food creative and dietitian
Kerryn, dietitian and founder of The Wholesome Collective was lucky enough to share her food and nutrition philosophy with the lovely Kat Caravella from, in an interview that covered all things food, including her thoughts on the paleo way and other dietary movements.
Kat: When did you decide you wanted to work in nutrition and what inspired you?
Kerryn: From a young age I was a pretty adventurous eater and just enjoyed food and eating in general (except for chops and sausages). I loved unconventional foods for kids such as sardines, pickled onions, gherkins and pretty much all fruits and vegetables. I was always fascinated by food – how it’s grown and what it does to our body. I think this original interest was inspired by my pops vegetable garden and his passion for homegrown food and sprinkles of bran.
As I grew up I wanted to be vet (I also love animals), but still loved food. When I questioned my future as a vet it was my mum who suggested that I explore the option of becoming a dietitian. I didn’t even know what a dietitian did. But when I started reading I couldn’t believe that I could have a job where I got to talk about food all day! So I worked hard at school toward this goal.
The cooking thing really blossomed when I moved out of home with my now husband in my very early 20’s. I loved cooking out of recipe books and exploring new cuisines. The more I cooked, the more confident I felt experimenting with new ingredients and flavour combinations. I am now extremely passionate about connecting the dots between nutrition and real food using cooking and real food ideas.
Kat: Have you always been health conscious or was there a definitive point in your life that encouraged you to change your lifestyle?
Kerryn: I would say that I have always had a natural instinct to eat for health, which has stemmed from my upbringing. My mums cooking and food prep always focused on real food and the basics of healthy eating – exactly what I preach now. We always had fruit, vegetables, meat, chicken, plenty of freshly caught seafood (a given growing up around beautiful Lake Macquarie), eggs as a family on Sunday and takeaway or more processed foods on occasion. Our treats where homemade slices and cakes (I still think about my mums lemon slice…)
I was also heavily involved in sport growing up and still am. I believe that this has had a huge influence on continuing a healthy lifestyle as an adult.
Everyone who knows me well knows that I also love to indulge, and I’m not afraid to do so. My favourites are spaghetti con vongole with lashings of olive oil, good quality pastries, chocolate and red wine. I’m not afraid to enjoy all foods, because that is part of balanced eating, and part of LIFE! It’s just about finding the healthy balance for you.
Kat: What is a simple way to describe your food philosophy?
Kerryn: Focus on fresh, real foods and don’t complicate it – this also reflects my nutrition philosophy.
I also encourage everyone to look at foods as whole, not as individual nutrients. For example, don’t just judge them in their fat or sugar content but think about what else it brings to the party – is it packaged with a bunch of nutrients, is it going to keep you feeling nice and full, prevent that energy slump and manage those sweet cravings later in the day?
You will notice that my blog and Instagram feed focuses on many vegetarian dishes. I am not a vegetarian but our eating pattern does focus on many vegetarian meals through the week, some grains, plenty of fish and healthy fats, fruit, dairy and a little bit of red meat here and there. This encompasses many aspects of the Mediterranean way of eating. Now this doesn’t mean that this way of eating will be for everyone, nor am I ‘labeling’ how I eat. That’s the thing about nutrition, it is individual and there is no one-sized fits all approach.
I also love Michael Pollan’s philosophy – ‘eat food, not too much, mostly plants.’
Kat: What are your thoughts on extreme diets such as carb free/paleo/quit sugar?
Kerryn: I could talk about this topic all day. Okay, where to start…
Eating for health is so individual and I am the first one to acknowledge that we don’t have all of the answers when it comes to nutrition. Because I work with clients to help them find the best eating pattern for them, I am not going to be quick to dismiss these ‘diets.’ For some people, a lower carb (not NO carb) diet may be beneficial to mange a certain a medical condition, the paleo way may improve a persons irritable bowel symptoms (although this could be done using a more evidence-based way – the low FODMAP approach), or quitting sugar may encourage a person to eat healthier and dump the morning tea biscuits. Although I’m not quick to dismiss, I do have major concerns, opinions and they do often make my blood boil!
I don’t think anyone can argue that limiting processed foods and going for more whole foods is a bad thing, which is the foundation of many of these dietary trends. Also the passion and drive to eat well that often comes with following one of these trends is immense. The problem is how they are often presented to the public. They unnecessarily demonise specific foods and nutrients without considering all of the evidence and the context of a persons eating pattern – both extremely important!
My biggest issues are that often these diets can create a cult like following with followers and leaders suggesting that everyone should be eating this way. They often twist nutrition claims, and don’t get me started on the cashing in associated with these extreme dietary trends. They can also enforce strict rules and regulations around eating, label forbidden foods, come with a hefty price tag (although a healthy option, not everyone can afford grass-fed beef) and can create social isolation for followers. Remember, we don’t just eat for health or weight management but for enjoyment, religious reasons, culture and to celebrate.
These ‘diets’ and movements can often make people feel guilty and unhealthy for NOT following this way of eating. This has certainly led to the formation of unhealthy relationships with food and confusion. I have had clients in tears from feeling guilt and shame when they ‘lash out’ and eat a certain fruit or a slice of bread – what the? No one sees this side of a dietary trend.
I don’t want to take away from people who feel healthier for following one of these approaches. But I would encourage people to think about a few things and seek some professional advice to help them find their healthy balance:
- Are you unnecessarily restricting foods or nutrients?
- Are you still receiving all of the nutrients that you require? For example, are you getting enough fibre – our rates of bowel cancer have increased, our intake of grain foods has decreased.
- Are you following these diets in an unhealthy way? E.g. going paleo doesn’t just mean eat lots of red meat, this has very negative health implications, it can be done in a healthier way.
- Are you just feeling better because you are now eating less energy dense, nutrient poor foods and more whole foods?
- Do you have room to follow the principles of these diets in a more balanced way?
“I have had clients in tears from feeling guilt and shame when they ‘lash out’ and eat a certain fruit or slice of bread - what the? No one sees this side of a dietary trend.”
Kat: When you hear of celebrity chef’s like Pete Evans claim that a paleo diet can be a form of ‘medicine’, how, as a qualified nutritionist do you respond?
Kerryn: The one thing Paleo Pete has is passion. However promoting one dietary pattern and touting it as a form of medicine is naïve and scary.
Conventional medicine and current dietary recommendations are based on the best available evidence at the time. The word ‘best available ‘ definitely highlights that we still don’t have all of the answers, but we certainly have some pretty extensive research. Did you know that the Australian Dietary Guidelines were updated in 2013, which involved adjustments to the preexisting guidelines after consideration of more than 55,000 pieces of new scientific research and public consultation!
Making recommendations based on anecdotes and publicly backing claims that are not supported by science (especially when it comes to medical conditions) is scary. If I as a dietitian made claims that a dietary approach cured a medical condition without realms of research, I would probably loose my right to practice. Unfortunately we live in a world where ‘freedom of speech’ via online forums is socially (and legally) accepted.
As health professionals we abide by an ethical code of conduct with the first rule to do no harm. I couldn’t sleep at night if I had falsely given someone hope when my advice didn’t have sound backing.
In response to the criticism of the dietary guidelines, it’s interesting that nutrition surveys show that the majority of our population actually aren’t actually meeting the guidelines, so should they really be to blame? Also, our alcohol intake is high and activity levels are low, but no one really wants to look at these game players. They want something different and sexy.
Kat: What are a few simple diet tips that you live by (such as cutting out butter, cheat days etc.) to ensure healthy eating is a lifestyle change, not a diet?
Kerryn: To be honest I don’t believe in ‘cheat days.’ Without trying to sound all ‘airy fairy’ the word CHEAT places a negative tone on food and just forces another rule around eating. To eat for health I just listen my body and what it really feels like. If I feel like chocolate I just eat it and enjoy it without guilt (not gobble it up as quickly as I can to hide the evidence). A bit here or there will not negatively impact on your overall health if you find your healthy balance. If everyone really listened to their body they would find that they actually feel like fresh, nourishing foods most of the time and more indulgent foods just some of the time. This helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
I also believe that organisation underpins a healthy lifestyle. Most weeks I plan what we will eat ahead of time. I go shopping and make sure we have plenty of food available – I either prep meals ahead of time or plan quick and healthy meals for the week. This is a must, especially for those with a busy lifestyle!
Kat: What are 5 must-have ingredients in the house at all times and why?
Greek yoghurt
Greek yoghurt is a very versatile food. I add it to smoothies, have it as a filling snack with some berries and nuts, put it on my porridge and make dressings out of it (as simple as Greek yoghurt with some olive oil, a squeeze of lemon and seeded mustard). It also bumps up the protein and calcium content of your meal.
A bit like Greek yoghurt, it’s versatile. The process of making ricotta means that it is a high protein food, the type that aids in muscle strength and recovery. It’s also a very stable ingredient when heated so it’s great to use in frittatas and desserts instead of cream. One of my favourite desserts is ricotta filled pears baked in the oven!
Cumin is my favourite spice. I don’t like to use packaged sauces or marinades and I am always looking at ways to add a little flavour and spice. Cumin matches perfectly with other spices such as paprika and ground coriander and works well on its own. I like to rub cumin on salmon before pan-frying, and sprinkle on pumpkin and sweet potato before roasting. Delish!
Good quality extra virgin olive oil
Most dietary trend spruik coconut oil, but the benefits of olive oil are so well established. An extra drizzle of olive oil in the diet has been shown to lower rates of chronic disease and assist with weight management. Its filling, nutrient dense and adds flavour to our food. It’s a win win!
Roasted almonds
Roasted almonds add a crunch to any dish. I mix them through salads, add them to porridge and muesli and snack on them. I buy them already roasted or roast my own with a sprinkle of cumin and a drizzle of olive oil. The high fat and protein content of all nuts leaves you feeling satisfied all while providing a good nutrient hit!
Kat: What are you currently doing in Adelaide and what’s the greatest part of your job?
Kerryn: At the moment I see clients on an individual basis at a private practice clinic called Nutrition Studio. This is located within Sprout, an interactive cooking school established by Accredited Practicing Dietitian Themis Chryssidis and Celebrity Cook Callum Hann. I also work at the cooking school teaching kids and adults. I love that I get to work with a team of young passionate people that love fresh, real food and cooking. I also love that we get to teach people about nutrition through food, this can really connect the dots and enhance knowledge and skills (in a totally fun way).
I also love the work that I do with clients. I specialise in sports nutrition, diabetes management and have a special interest on women’s health. Many people think that dietitians just use the Australian Dietary Guidelines and tell people what to eat. If that were the case we wouldn’t need four years of study. We tailor nutrition education around a persons goals, current lifestyle, current eating pattern, food preferences, dietary patterns, medical conditions, medications, culture, morals, attitudes, barriers, knowledge and skills. This is both challenging and rewarding.
Kat: You are moving back to your hometown of Newcastle (with husband, future Newcastle Jets defender, Nigel Boogaard). What do you plan on doing when you get here?
Kerryn: Yes we will be heading back in June this year!
I am currently working on setting up a food and nutrition consulting business. I have spent the last 5 years in Adelaide establishing a pretty cool set of skills that has involved writing, guest speaking, group education, cooking, resource development, recipe writing, menu reviews and individual counselling (online, phone and face-to-face). I think its time to establish and market these services, which I am totally excited about!
Kat: What are your ultimate aspirations as someone working in nutrition? Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Kerryn: I really hope that I can continue to run my business (lets hope it grows in 10 years) and have a positive influence on people’s perspectives, knowledge and skills around eating and nutrition. I think this interview has clearly highlighted some of the issues surrounding nutrition and I would like to be one of the leaders in moving forward.
One thing we haven’t clearly highlighted in this interview is the need to prevent chronic disease and the role nutrition and establishing a healthy lifestyle plays. I would love to see more funding in preventative health and would love to work closer with childcare centres, schools and sporting clubs to teach children and teens the skills to live a healthy balanced lifestyle.
If you want to make a face-to-face or Skype nutrition appointment with Kerryn, or want to work with The Wholesome Collective for anything food and nutrition related please say hello.
Diabetes Superfoods
I knew the word ‘super’ would get your attention! Information on ’superfoods’ is clogging our news and social media feeds, however most of the time these foods carry an expensive price tag without the benefit. When you’re managing diabetes there is no need to purchase exotic fruits, juices that hail from the tropics or green powders; but focus on your everyday foods that have actual proven benefits when it comes to your entire health.
Everyone with diabetes will eat different amounts of carbohydrate with some opting for the lower range to manage their blood glucose levels. Im not going to talk about carb quantity today, but instead highlight some nourishing foods that will really enhance the quality of your diet. At the end of the day, whether you going lower or higher, carb quality and the overall nutrient density of your eating pattern are key aspects to staying well.
Let's take a look at some of these quality foods.
Salmon and other oily fish
Salmon plus other types of oily fish like sardines, mackerel and (the dark part of) tuna contain lots of omega-3 fats. These fats improve blood flow and reduce inflammation, triglyceride levels and blood pressure – all factors associated with diabetes. They also pack quality protein to help you feel satisfied between meals and assist with muscle maintenance. Aim for 2-3 serves (150g being a serve) of oily fish a week.
Non-starchy vegetables
Green leaves and vegetables with red and orange hues will provide beta-carotenes to improve your eye health. However, filling up on all non-starchy vegetables (despite the colour or type) will also give your diet a nutrient boost and make sure the protein and carbohydrate parts of your dish don’t take the full limelight.
Nuts are packed with healthy fats, potassium, vitamin E (an antioxidant), zinc, magnesium, B vitamins, plant sterols and fibre. Together, these nutrients make nuts the perfect diabetes defender by improving insulin sensitivity and heart health. When included as a part of a meal, nuts will lower the overall glycemic index (GI) and make you feel full for longer. Enjoy a small handful of any nut each day – just hold the salt.
Whether canned or dried, legumes such as lentils, kidney beans and chickpeas really are natures own ‘super food.’ These little delights boast a variety of vitamins and minerals and are a great source of protein, healthy fats and low GI carbohydrates (like really low...the carb takes a while to break down to glucose). It is recommended to enjoy these little gems at least 2-3 times a week. Some people managing their diabetes with meal time insulin may find it challenging to match their dose with the carb content of legumes - chat to your CDE or dietitian about managing this.
Pearl barley
Pearl barley is a highly nutritious, nutty textured grain that can be used in soups and stews and as an alternative for rice. Not only is it packed with the goodness of minerals such as selenium, magnesium and phosphorus, it has a low GI. Barley also contains beta glucans that can help to lower blood cholesterol levels. Include small portions of barley in your main meals when searching for the perfect low GI carbohydrate component. Remember, count the carbs.
Rolled oats
Traditional rolled oats (not the instant quick oats) also have a low GI and contain beta-glucans. Oats also contain magnesium, which helps the body use glucose and secrete insulin properly.
This ancient little pseudo-grain (it’s technically a seed) has become a staple in many households. Its popularity soared just a couple of years ago because it contains all 9 essential amino acids making it a “complete” protein. It is also gluten free and has a low GI making it an ideal choice, especially for people who have both coeliac disease and diabetes.
It doesn’t have to be the expensive, exotic type (think gogi and acai); enjoy every day berries like strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that the flavonoids (plant compounds) found in berries and other red and blue coloured fruits and vegetables may lower levels of insulin resistance and inflammation (remember, people with type 1 diabetes can still get insulin resistance). Although it is not known exactly how many berries are needed to have these effects, berries make the perfect addition to meals and snacks without overdoing the carbohydrate load.
Milk and yoghurt
Milk and yoghurt offers health benefits beyond bone health. A regular consumption can improve heart health, reduce fat mass and increase lean muscle mass. These benefits may be due to the type of fatty acids present, how the calcium binds to this fat, and the presence of additional nutrients. Milk and yoghurt also have a satiating (feeling of fullness) quality due to its low GI and protein content, meaning you are less likely to reach for energy dense, nutrient poor snack foods when you include milk and yoghurt in your diet. Again, count the carbohydrate (lactose) when consuming milk and yoghurt.
Of course your shopping list and pantry will include more foods that are healthy for you. But hopefully this article has highlighted some diabetes defenders that you can put back in your diet to enhance the overall quality.
Going against the grain...
A recent scientific review looking at dietary patterns and chronic disease risk showed that plant-based foods were more protective against chronic disease risk compared to animal-based foods. Amongst plant foods, grain-based foods such as oats and barley seemed to have a small edge, even over our fruits and vegetables. So much for the recent trend to go ‘against the grain.’ People with diabetes just always need to consider the amount on their plate, and the impact that the entire meal has on blood glucose levels. You can still follow a lower carb diet (if that's the way you like it) and include some quality grains such as oats, barley and quinoa.
Preventing type 2 diabetes - The Mediterranean way
A snap from my time in Greece in 2014
As we discussed here yesterday, living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining your healthiest weight can prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes. This is great news right!
The problem is, with the co-existence of the weight loss industry promoting every fad under the sun, and an obesogenic environment placing convenient food options at an arms reach, the meaning of living a healthy lifestyle is often blurred. As a dietitian helping people to eat for health, I do not recommend ‘diets’ or restrictive eating behaviours. Instead, I help people find their own healthy balance that eventually becomes a lifestyle that they can sustain and enjoy. I also consider the evidence around different eating patterns and how they help different population groups. I try and integrate this evidence wherever possible and appropriate. If we look at an eating pattern that is leading the way to help lower diabetes incidence, manage a healthy weight and reduce cardiovascular disease, there is no doubt that the Mediterranean way is winning.
So lets take a look at some key components of the Mediterranean eating pattern and enjoy some pic's from our recent trip to Italy and Greece.
A photo taken while completing 'The Walk of the Gods,' on the Amalfi Coast, Italy in 2014 - Just STUNNING!
An Extra Drizzle of Olive Oil Please
Sorry coconut oil lovers but when we look at the evidence, nobody can argue that olive oil is winning the race for the healthiest daily oil to use. NOBODY.
The Mediterranean way is not consistent with the outdated approach of low fat eating, as it boasts a good intake of foods rich in healthy fats such as nuts, oily fish and an extra drizzle of olive oil with most meals. These fats are protective against cardiovascular disease, a strong risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Meals higher in healthy fats can also keep us feeling full and satisfied, helping to manage food portion sizes and reduce that urge for nutritionally poor snacks between meals.
Hold the Red Meat
Red meat appears on plates just every 'now and then' in the Mediterranean region. Instead of red meat, the predominant protein sources are legumes, eggs, fish, shellfish, white meats such as chicken and turkey and a bit of yoghurt and cheese each day. Replacing red meat with these alternatives (majority of the time) may help to lower the unhealthy, saturated fat in your diet and prevent type 2 diabetes.
Lots of legumes
Legumes are a main feature in the Mediterranean diet. Whether canned or dried, legumes such as lentils, kidney beans and chickpeas really are natures own ‘super food’ as these little beans are loaded with various nutrients such as protein, protective fibre, healthy fats and low glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates. Even better, all of these nutrients are delivered at a low cost and can be served as a source of protein in replace of meat. It is recommended to enjoy these little gems at least 2-3 times a week.
Fill up on vegetables
Every healthy way of eating includes plenty of vegetables, including the Mediterranean way, which is a very plant-based way of eating. Filling up on non-starchy vegetables with most meals (not just dinner) will only provide you with the goodness of fibre, vitamins and minerals without the extra energy you may not require. Starchy carbohydrates such as potato, sweet potato and corn are also important, however if your energy requirements do not call for a large serve just allocate these vegetable to one quarter of your plate, just enough to keep you satisfied.
Nuts About nuts
The Mediterranean’s are just nuts about nuts and so are we. If you attempt to follow a ‘low fat’ diet you would automatically put the nuts back on the shelf after carefully reviewing the nutrition information panel. This is because nuts possess a large amount of fat. But this fat is GOOD and can keep our blood vessels healthy. Furthermore, nuts are jam packed with nutrients such as vitamin E (an antioxidant), zinc, B vitamins and fibre just to name a few. Although they are high in fat, there is evidence to show that enjoying a small handful a day (about 30-40 grams) can assist with weight loss, potentially due to the ability of nuts to keep us satisfied in a small dose. Any tree nut is a healthy choice, so whether is it macadamias, pistachio’s, almonds or cashews, just hold the salt, and you have yourself a perfect healthy snack.
Just like every healthy way of eating, the Med's way is about the whole eating pattern and lifestyle and not just about one food group or nutrient in particular (e.g. quitting sugar). This way of life also involves sharing and celebrating food with loved ones. So take a leaf out of the med’s book and sit down with your loved ones and share some of these beautiful foods - and enjoy every moment.
Here are some snaps from my holiday in Italy and Greece last year - these give some beautiful insight into the Mediterranean way.
Delicious sardines, lightly fried in olive oil and drizzled with lemon
Fried zucchini with a garlicy yoghurt sauce
Traditional Greek salad drizzled with olive oil
Santorini fava - made with yellow split peas (legumes)
A picture says a thousand words...
Amazing mussels and squid matched with a Greek salad - loaded with healthy fats and full of goodness
Grow your own and eat fresh and seasonal
Berries at the Venice Farmers Markets
Exercise is a key component of the Meds way and a key factor in reducing your risk of type 2 diabetes
diabetes - not just 'a touch of sugar'
I have worked in diabetes for just over 5 years now. Although 280 Australians develop diabetes everyday (BTW, this is MASSIVE), I feel that the general knowledge of diabetes in the community is pretty poor. Never have I come across a condition that comes with so much stigma and so many myths. I get it, I totally do...diabetes is one complex condition that often gets over simplified. What people often don't realise is:
- Pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes aren't as innocent as 'a touch of sugar.'
- Nobody has 'mild diabetes.'
- There is no 'good' or 'bad' type of diabetes.
- You don't have to be overweight to get type 2 diabetes.
- You don't have to be old to get type 2 diabetes.
- Many people are at risk of type 2 diabetes and don't realise it.
- You can get type 1 diabetes at any age.
- Eating sugar doesn't cause diabetes.
- Diabetes is a challenging condition to manage and requires 24/7 attention - it is hard work!
So being National Diabetes Week, I think its a good idea to take some time out to really understand what diabetes is. It may help you understand what a person with diabetes may be going through each day or teach you the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It may also help you learn if you are unexpectedly at risk of type 2 diabetes. This post will form part of a series of posts over this important week.
First of all..
To understand what diabetes is, it's good to get a handle on the role of insulin and what happens in a person WITHOUT diabetes.
Glucose (AKA sugar) is the main source of energy that our body uses to function. The cells throughout our body get glucose from the digestion of all carbohydrate foods (not just table sugar), or from stores in our liver that are released when needed (for example, when blood glucose levels drop between meals or overnight, or in response to hormones such as adrenaline, growth hormone and cortisol, which may be released during exercise or when stressed, sick or excited).
Important point no. 1 - its not just food that affects blood glucose levels.
When blood glucose levels rise, insulin allows glucose to move from the blood stream into the cells in our muscles and tissues. Here, glucose can be used to make energy.
To put it simply, insulin is like a key that unlocks our cell doors to allow glucose to move into the cells and be used as energy.
Our body always needs a certain amount of glucose in our blood stream, and for most people, the body does a pretty good job of maintaining this. Without diabetes:
- The pancreas (an organ found next to your stomach) produces insulin all day in response to blood glucose levels rising above the usual range, and
- the liver supplies glucose whenever blood glucose levels start to drop below the desired range.
What is diabetes...
Diabetes occurs when the body does not produce any, or enough insulin, or when the insulin being produced does not work effectively.
Without insulin, glucose builds up in the blood stream.
Too much glucose in the blood stream over time can lead to small and large blood vessel damage, leading to diabetes-related complications. This is why one of the main aims of diabetes management is too keep blood glucose levels as close to a persons target range as possible. This can be a very challenging task due to the many factors that affect blood glucose levels - remember, its not just affected by food!
The difference between type 1 and type 2
Some of you may be aware that the two main types of diabetes include type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition. This means that the bodies own immune system has attacked the insulin producing cells of the pancreas, therefore the pancreas can no longer produce insulin. Although for many people there is a strong genetic link to type 1 diabetes, we are not sure why this auto-immune reaction occurs. Type 1 diabetes is often diagnosed in childhood or adolescence, but it can occur at any age. It is not linked to lifestyle factors and cannot be prevented.
Important point no. 2 - type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented.
Type 1 diabetes is managed by administering insulin regularly throughout the day - remember, without diabetes our body will produce insulin all day in response to fluctuating blood glucose levels. A person with type 1 diabetes has to mimic this natural process manually, using multiple injections of insulin or via an insulin pump that delivers a constant supply of insulin over the day. This helps to keep blood glucose levels as close to a target range as possible. Doses of insulin will constantly need to be reviewed and changed throughout a persons life with type 1 diabetes, as doses will be affected by numerous factors such as growth, weight changes, hormonal changes, physical activity levels and food intake.
Managing type 1 diabetes is a balancing act of eating well for health, moving regularly, monitoring blood glucose levels and titrating insulin doses according to what is happening in their life that day. It’s a big job!
Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin or when the bodies cells are resistant to the insulin being produced - you may have heard the term 'insulin resistance' before. People are often told that they have 'mild' diabetes when being diagnosed with type 2, but it is just as serious as type 1 diabetes and can lead to the same complications if ignored or not managed well.
Important point no. 3 - all diabetes is serious with the risk of developing complications if ignored or not managed.
Type 2 diabetes may be managed using dietary and physical activity interventions alone, however many people require oral medications and/or insulin in order to manage blood glucose levels effectively. Because type 2 diabetes is what we call a progressive condition, many people will need medications or insulin to help manage blood glucose levels as their body slowly stops producing as much as it used to.
Are you at risk of type 2...
Type 2 diabetes is much more complex than people believe. People diagnosed with the condition do not always fit the stereotype of someone who is carrying extra weight, who may not lead the healthiest of lifestyles. This is because it can result from a combination of genetics and risk factors that cannot be changed. These risk factors include, having a family history of type 2, having a history of gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy), increasing age, coming from an Aboriginal, Torres Straight Islander, Asian (including Indian) or Middle Eastern background and having a history of cardiovascular disease. Although there is a genetic link and these non-modifiable risk factors, the risk for type 2 diabetes is greatly increased when associated with lifestyle factors such as:
- Low levels of physical activity.
- Carrying extra weight (especially around in abdominal area).
- Smoking.
- High blood pressure.
- High cholesterol.
This means that type 2 diabetes may be prevented or its onset delayed with a healthy lifestyle.
Important point no. 4 - you may be at risk of type 2 diabetes and not even know it.
This information shows how its important it is to identify if you are at risk of type 2 diabetes and the steps you can take in order to reduce this risk. To learn more about your risk complete this free online tool TODAY
Stay tuned for more posts this week about preventing and managing diabetes.