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Preventing type 2 diabetes - The Mediterranean way

A snap from my time in Greece in 2014

A snap from my time in Greece in 2014

As we discussed here yesterday, living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining your healthiest weight can prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes. This is great news right!

The problem is, with the co-existence of the weight loss industry promoting every fad under the sun, and an obesogenic environment placing convenient food options at an arms reach, the meaning of living a healthy lifestyle is often blurred. As a dietitian helping people to eat for health, I do not recommend ‘diets’ or restrictive eating behaviours. Instead, I help people find their own healthy balance that eventually becomes a lifestyle that they can sustain and enjoy. I also consider the evidence around different eating patterns and how they help different population groups. I try and integrate this evidence wherever possible and appropriate. If we look at an eating pattern that is leading the way to help lower diabetes incidence, manage a healthy weight and reduce cardiovascular disease, there is no doubt that the Mediterranean way is winning.

So lets take a look at some key components of the Mediterranean eating pattern and enjoy some pic's from our recent trip to Italy and Greece.


A photo taken while completing 'The Walk of the Gods,' on the Amalfi Coast, Italy in 2014 - Just STUNNING!

A photo taken while completing 'The Walk of the Gods,' on the Amalfi Coast, Italy in 2014 - Just STUNNING!

An Extra Drizzle of Olive Oil Please

Sorry coconut oil lovers but when we look at the evidence, nobody can argue that olive oil is winning the race for the healthiest daily oil to use. NOBODY. 

The Mediterranean way is not consistent with the outdated approach of low fat eating, as it boasts a good intake of foods rich in healthy fats such as nuts, oily fish and an extra drizzle of olive oil with most meals. These fats are protective against cardiovascular disease, a strong risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Meals higher in healthy fats can also keep us feeling full and satisfied, helping to manage food portion sizes and reduce that urge for nutritionally poor snacks between meals. 

Hold the Red Meat

Red meat appears on plates just every 'now and then' in the Mediterranean region. Instead of red meat, the predominant protein sources are legumes, eggs, fish, shellfish, white meats such as chicken and turkey and a bit of yoghurt and cheese each day. Replacing red meat with these alternatives (majority of the time) may help to lower the unhealthy, saturated fat in your diet and prevent type 2 diabetes.

Lots of legumes

Legumes are a main feature in the Mediterranean diet. Whether canned or dried, legumes such as lentils, kidney beans and chickpeas really are natures own ‘super food’ as these little beans are loaded with various nutrients such as protein, protective fibre, healthy fats and low glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates. Even better, all of these nutrients are delivered at a low cost and can be served as a source of protein in replace of meat. It is recommended to enjoy these little gems at least 2-3 times a week.

Fill up on vegetables

Every healthy way of eating includes plenty of vegetables, including the Mediterranean way, which is a very plant-based way of eating. Filling up on non-starchy vegetables with most meals (not just dinner) will only provide you with the goodness of fibre, vitamins and minerals without the extra energy you may not require. Starchy carbohydrates such as potato, sweet potato and corn are also important, however if your energy requirements do not call for a large serve just allocate these vegetable to one quarter of your plate, just enough to keep you satisfied.

Nuts About nuts

The Mediterranean’s are just nuts about nuts and so are we. If you attempt to follow a ‘low fat’ diet you would automatically put the nuts back on the shelf after carefully reviewing the nutrition information panel. This is because nuts possess a large amount of fat. But this fat is GOOD and can keep our blood vessels healthy. Furthermore, nuts are jam packed with nutrients such as vitamin E (an antioxidant), zinc, B vitamins and fibre just to name a few. Although they are high in fat, there is evidence to show that enjoying a small handful a day (about 30-40 grams) can assist with weight loss, potentially due to the ability of nuts to keep us satisfied in a small dose. Any tree nut is a healthy choice, so whether is it macadamias, pistachio’s, almonds or cashews, just hold the salt, and you have yourself a perfect healthy snack.

Just like every healthy way of eating, the Med's way is about the whole eating pattern and lifestyle and not just about one food group or nutrient in particular (e.g. quitting sugar). This way of life also involves sharing and celebrating food with loved ones. So take a leaf out of the med’s book and sit down with your loved ones and share some of these beautiful foods - and enjoy every moment. 

Here are some snaps from my holiday in Italy and Greece last year - these give some beautiful insight into the Mediterranean way.

Delicious sardines, lightly fried in olive oil and drizzled with lemon 

Delicious sardines, lightly fried in olive oil and drizzled with lemon 

Fried zucchini with a garlicy yoghurt sauce

Fried zucchini with a garlicy yoghurt sauce

Traditional Greek salad drizzled with olive oil

Traditional Greek salad drizzled with olive oil

Santorini fava - made with yellow split peas (legumes)

Santorini fava - made with yellow split peas (legumes)

A picture says a thousand words...

A picture says a thousand words...

Amazing mussels and squid matched with a Greek salad - loaded with healthy fats and full of goodness

Amazing mussels and squid matched with a Greek salad - loaded with healthy fats and full of goodness

Grow your own and eat fresh and seasonal 

Grow your own and eat fresh and seasonal 

Berries at the Venice Farmers Markets

Berries at the Venice Farmers Markets

Exercise is a key component of the Meds way and a key factor in reducing your risk of type 2 diabetes

Exercise is a key component of the Meds way and a key factor in reducing your risk of type 2 diabetes


How to Survive The 'Silly Season'

You do not have to miss out on your fav Christmas treats - eat slowly and enjoy every mouthful

You do not have to miss out on your fav Christmas treats - eat slowly and enjoy every mouthful

Many of you will well and truly be in the Christmas spirit with the numerous social gatherings that accompany it. That is the thing with the silly SEASON: it generally involves a warm up of catching up with friends and colleagues, Christmas day that can be celebrated over three days, and a continuum of parties and festivities as we welcome the New Year.

Friends and family are almost always celebrated over a drink or a meal, which is one of the reasons why food is an important pleasure to cherish.

However, during the silly season our healthy routines are often replaced by more times of over-consumption, more alcoholic drinks than the standard two a day and ‘sometimes’ foods featuring more regularly on the menu.

Some people also develop an ‘all or nothing’ approach to eating and just write-off the next few weeks regarding healthy eating.

If Christmas was only celebrated on the 25th it really wouldn’t matter what we ate or drank because it wouldn’t make a big difference to our overall health and waist line. However, considering the number of meals and drinks you will share with family and friends over the coming weeks, it is worth finding the balance, in order to celebrate this fantastic time of year without compromising the hard work you have done throughout 2013.

Here are some tips to help.

1.  Keep Moving

Although your gym or local pool may be closed over the next few weeks, you can still keep up regular physical activity levels.

Keeping active will help to balance any slight over-indulgences you encounter and keep your energy levels up to face the festivities.  Fit exercise in by:

  • Catching up with a friend over a walk, bike ride or swim.
  • Organise a family game of cricket or soccer after Christmas lunch.
  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator when you are doing your last minute Christmas shopping.
  • Save some time to do some exercise before you head to your next social outing, even if it is less than what you would normally do.

2.  Facing endless nibbles at a party?

Attending a party where the drinks are flowing and the platters are abundant can be very confronting if you’re putting your health first. But choosing wisely, eating slowing and doing a little prep before you go can help to help balance the potential overindulgences.

  • Offer to bring a plate of food and make sure it is a healthier option to balance some of the more indulgent platters that may be on offer.
  • Some great options include prawns, salmon and vegetable mini frittatas, nuts, sushi, stuffed mushrooms, a seasonal fruit platter or vegetable sticks with a tasty dip such as hummus, cottage cheese with herbs or a tomato salsa.
  • Just like when you head to the supermarket, don’t head to a party on an empty stomach. We all know that an empty stomach with an accessible spread means ultimate over-consumption. Have a nutrient dense snack or light meal before you leave. Some easy and filling ideas include a fruit smoothie, a small handful of unsalted nuts, fruit, a wrap with lean meat and salad or a vegetable omelette.
  • Drink plenty of water before you leave to ensure you are well hydrated and do not mistake thirst for hunger.
  • Limit deep fried or creamy options such as spring rolls, sausage rolls and creamy dips.
  • Choose the nibbles that you like (not everything that is on offer) and eat slowly and enjoy.

3.  Alcohol

Alcohol is high in energy (kilojoules). In fact one gram of alcohol has almost as much energy as one gram of fat. This means that consuming alcohol in large amounts over a period of time will lead to weight gain.

Alcohol is bound to feature as part of the Christmas festivities, however reducing your alcohol intake will help you to feel healthier and fitter over the Christmas period. Here are some ways to cut the kilojoules from alcohol:

  • Make ‘Mocktails’ with ingredients such as soda water, diet soft drinks, fresh lime, fruit and little fruit juice.
  • Drink from a small wine glass.
  • Opt for light or mid-strength beers as these are lower in energy (kilojoules). Don’t be fooled by the low-carb beers as these generally have the same energy content as regular full strength beers.
  • Mix spirits with soda water, diet tonic water or diet soft drinks instead of the sugar containing alternatives.
  • Alternate alcoholic drink with water, soda water, diet tonic water or diet soft drink. This will help to keep you hydrated and reduce the amount of alcohol you consume.
  • If you know you have many Christmas and New Years parties coming up, have more alcohol free days at home.

4.  Enjoying a Christmas feast

Often we are faced with a spread of options at a Christmas feast. This often means that you may not have full control of what is on to offer. However, you do have control over how much you eat.

The portion plate guide is a great tool to compose a balanced meal and avoid overconsumption, especially if you are watching your weight or are faced with numerous Christmas feasts over the silly season.

  • This means allocating one quarter of your plate to a protein-based food such as roast chicken or turkey, one quarter of your plate allocated to a carbohydrate based food such as roast potato, pasta salad or a quinoa salad and half of your plate allocated to salads or non-starchy vegetables.
  • Remember that filling up on salads and vegetables will add the bulk without the kilojoules to any meal.
  • If you have seafood on offer this Christmas, not only are you lucky because of the beautiful produce we have, but also you can indulge in a little more as seafood is lower in energy and saturated fat content.

5.  Enjoy the good quality treats

I know that in the weeks leading up to Christmas I am already thinking about my mum’s homemade slices. Whether your favourite Christmas treat is a dessert, grandma’s Christmas pudding or good quality chocolate, you can enjoy it.

  • Just try to enjoy your favourite treats in small amounts and take the time to enjoy them!
  • Balance them with some fresh berries on the side, a meal in a smaller portion and a bit of exercise that day.

It is important to enjoy this special time of year with good food and drinks shared with family and friends, however balancing the more indulgent choices with smaller portions, some nutritious options and some exercise will ensure you prevent your waist line expanding into the new year.

As seen first on

I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Thank you all for following my new blog in 2013 and I hope I can bring you some fun recipes and great tips in 2014.

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