Breakfast on the RUN - Overnight Oats

Breakfast is my most favourite meal of the day.

I always look forward to breakfast and I often find myself drifting off to sleep thinking about what I am going to eat the next morning….this is true.

In winter I love stove cooked rolled oats (cooked in half water, half milk), which I vary with different toppings. Some of my favourite combinations include:

  • Chia seeds, banana, cinnamon and a drizzle of honey
  • Stewed apple and rhubarb
  • Blueberries and honey
  • Grated apple and cinnamon
  • Spiced poached pears or quince

Traditional rolled oats (not the instant quick oats) have a low glycemic index (GI) and can help to lower your cholesterol due to the presence of beta-glucans. You will find that after a good bowl of rolled oats your energy levels will be nicely sustained and you will feel fuller for longer.

Those of you who have read my earlier posts will know that in my wedding vows earlier this year I officially declared, in front of the ones that I love, to continue to cook my husband delicious meals. During winter this year my husband and I had a ritual of enjoying breakfast together, a previous rarity in our household. There was nothing that I loved more than showing him my love through a warm bowl of delicious cooked oats each morning.

Now that I have dedicated many of my mornings to training for a long distance triathlon, my husband has to settle for weet-bix and I am looking for more ‘on the run’ breakfast options – not the same winter romance we once had.

Before swimming or a long ride in the morning I often enjoy an ‘up and go’ for a quick fix.

Following training I need a breakfast option that I can often enjoy at the office or one that takes no time to prepare. This option needs to provide the right amount of protein for recovery (~20g) and enough carbohydrates to refuel my tired muscles. I still use oats as a basis of this meal, however I have embraced the recent trend of ‘overnight oats.’

If you google ‘overnight oats’ you will find thousands of recipes, some that are extremely creative which almost sound like a dessert instead of a breakfast option.

‘Overnight oats’ are exactly what their title implies. Oats that you prepare the night before that are ready to be enjoyed the next day. As long as you are willing to dedicate a small amount of preparation time the night before, ‘overnight oats’ are the most quick and convenient breakfast option you will find.

My version of ‘overnight oats’ is quiet simple and not too sweet. If you like a touch more sweetness you may try adding a grated apple or a little more honey to the mix.

The combinations of ‘overnight oats’ are endless and I am going to aim to explore some new options throughout this summer, however this is my staple for now. I hope you enjoy.

Simple Overnight Oats


1/2 cup of rolled oats

1/2 cup of Greek yogurt

1/2 cup of milk

1 teaspoon of honey

1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds

1 tablespoon of slithered almonds

1 teaspoon of chia seeds

A pinch of ground cinnamon

Strawberries and blueberries

(you can use frozen berries as in the photograph, however I believe in this instance the fresh type taste better)


1. Combine all ingredients and place on a jar

2. Put on the lid and pop in the ridge overnight

3. When ready to eat top with berries